Custom Made Just for You

A little about me:

2 years ago I took an early retirement to stay home and raise our youngest grand son, a year after that his sister came along and we are raising both of them. No reason to work outside the home and pay daycare as well as have someone else raising 'our' kids so I kicked my bead making business into high gear. Beading is my me time when I'm not riding a trail with my horses Chief and La Mer, I find it peaceful and it brings me in a bit of pocket change to enjoy my hobby.

I personally create about 90% of the designs on my page and hand bead them on my home made loom or make them in peyote stitch. I am very picky about my work and want to offer you the best I can produce using high quality Delica glass seed beads as well as Toho and Czech beads depending on the pattern.

I am adding more designs as I dream them up. Any of the designs I have can be personalized with your favorite color combination.and brands, names or initials can be added to them I make hatbands, over n unders bead inlaid belts, bead inlaid clutches, halters that can include names, initials, brands, events, etc. Please contact me through the page to order.

I look forward to making you a beautiful handmade work of art that you'll enjoy for many years.

I can change colors or add your initials, name or brand to any of my designs as well as custom design a pattern specially for you. Let me know what you're looking for and I'll work hard to make sure we have a design to make you happy.

Please email me with any questions you have or to place an order.

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